Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Book News (4-20-11)


Frontkampfer: The Life of Et Wolsink: A History by S.L.F. A Sunwheel Publication, NS Press UK, 2010. Trade paperback, 156 pp., frontispiece and seven photographs on the cover. Aviailable for 12 Pounds (UK) from: NS Press, PO Box 6, Heckmondwike, Yorkshire, WF14 0XF, United Kingdom.

This is a sympathetic "as told to" biography of Gerrit "Et" Wolsink, a Dutch National-Socialist and member of the Waffen-SS. Produced by the British Movement.

The Great Economic Debacle -- and Beyond: Reviews and Commentary by Dwight D. Murphey. Council for Social and Economic Studies, Washington, DC, 2011. Trade paperback, 168 pp., index. See:

A nationalist economist analyses the globalist mishandling on the world economy.

Hitler's First War: Adolf Hitler, the Men of the List Regiment and the First World War
by Thomas Weber. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010. Index, 450 pp., 28 photographs ISBN 978-019-233-205.

Thomas Weber is a mainstream historian and academician, who is probably Jewish. This is a detailed and fascinating, but completely hostile, account of Hitler's participation in World War One and his life immediately afterwards. A complete NS review of this book by Martin Kerr appears in the current issue of the British publication Heritage & Destiny. See for ordering information about H&D.


Now and Forever: Devotional Poems by Savitri Devi, edited by R.G. Fowler. Hardback, illustrated, 128 pp. Further information:

This previously unpublished book by Savitri Devi was originally scheduled for release on January 1, 2011, but the publication date as then pushed back to April 1, 2011. To our knowledge, it still has not appeared. We hope that whatever problems there are be resolved soon, as we await this volume with eager anticipation!


An updated booklist by NS Publications is now available. NS Publications is the oldest (since 1968) and one of the most reliable suppliers of National-Socialist materials in the English-speaking world. The list is 15 pages long, and contains over 200 books and other items. It is available for a nominal cost of $3. For a copy of the new printed list (which we believe is more current than even their online list), contact



  1. Do you know how reliable this translation of Mein Kampf on the internet is?

    1. I looked at the link but no translator was listed anywhere. I'd just buy Manheim's book instead to be sure. I just got it from Amazon for $8 used.

  2. I had gotten Murphy's translation for about $20 or so and then found your site. I have now ordered
    Ralph Manheim (Translator) version for $8 as recommended by you. I shall have to figure out what to do with the other copy.

  3. Well, there is one problem. They for some strange reason forget to mention what great part we Hungarians played in helping Hitler and his NS army. Hitler without us Hungarians could not have stopped the Red Army. He used our capital Budapest as his protective bastion and more Hungarian Greenshirt Arrowcross soldiers have died for him than any other nationality. Hungary was the protective wall between communist Russia and Germany. Our leader Szalasi was also a great friend of the Fuhrer. We Hungarians formed our own National Socialism which was superior to Hitler's which was Hungarizmus and the Hungarian Arrowcross party with our own NS symbols. Also the Germans have lived for centuries in Western Hungary owing much to us Magyars and also Austria which was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire where in the previous Hitler was born. Hitler could not have had a reason if world war I did not break out to dismantle Greater Hungary.In no country live as many Germans as in Hungary except Austria, Germany and the Czeh Republic. Hitler could only succeed by the help of us Hungarians. He layed his eyes on our country and was eager to obtain it for it's great natural resources and historical cities and sites.

  4. If you will check out Hungarizmus in Metapedia which is Hungarian Christian National Socialism, you will see it was far superior to the German one. Also the Hungarian Arrowcross party. In fact some historians have suggested that the word National Socialism was coined by a Hungarian named Gombos Gyula. There were even National Socialist like smaller Hungarian partys and clubs in Hungary already in the 1920s before Hitler was even introduced to it in the beer hall in Germany. Hitler did not invent National Socialism himself, he was just representing it and propagating it as a chosen leader.

  5. You can also check out Hungarizmus or Hungarian National Socialism and the Hungarian Arrow Cross party in Wikipedia. If you read the book of Albert Wass, you will find that without the help of the Hungarian Waffen SS and Green Shirts the Bolsheviks could have taken over all of Europe, if we did not help Hitler to hold up the Red Army of Stalin. Hungarian heroes have been forgotten. Also we Hungarians were the ones still fighting the Russians, when the rest of Europe has surrendered already. You can read about it at Pax translated to English.

  6. All good National Socialists should familiarize themselves with the role Hungary played in trying to save Europe from Communism

  7. HW - I was just notified of Unknown's comment but not yours. I will check out your Pax Hungarica soon. Thanks so much.
